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A simple date utility that converts a given date to it's ISO 8601 format and epoch time.

Input examples

next week
last December
March 3rd
2017.03.03 5pm
5:35 AM
7:45:23 PM
+5 years

Your date


ISO 8601 Format


Epoch Time


Why do you need this

If you're a developer, you could achieve the same result yourself by opening up the developer console in your browser and writing a short piece of code akin to the following:

var myDate = new Date(year, month[, date[, hours[, minutes[, seconds[, milliseconds]]]]]); console.log(myDate);

But why bother? With SillyDate there is:

  1. No need to fiddle with the developer console
  2. An easy, straightforward interface for selecting dates
  3. Accessibility wherever you have an internet connection

Shout out to Datejs and clipboard.js for their awesome libraries.